Banning a book from public schools for having a racial slur is an act of censorship and it violates the student’s right to learn under the first amendment. Provided introduction, data in support of claim, deeper considerations, and conclusion.

Essay by xscooter21College, UndergraduateB+, May 2010

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Banning a book from public schools for having a racial slur is an act of censorship and it violates the student's right to learn under the first amendment.

I. Introduction: The problem of banning books.

A. First example: The difference between a history book and a novel written based on a historical period is the novel connects the reader.

B. Second example: Banning a book to please one group will result in a landslide of books being banned.

C. Claim: Banning all books with questionable comments is impossible. Banning books violates the first amendment and taking books out of schools is taking lessons of life away from the students.

II. Data in support of the claim

A. Testimonies from authority figures that the books in question teach students.

B. Censorship examples.

III. Deeper considerations (warrants and backing) behind the claim.

A. Racial slurs do not only exist in books.

In most books it serves as a reference to the time period, or to the characteristics of the story.

B. Students who read books like To Kill a Mockingbird and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are more likely to understand the tension that existed in the South.

C. To build good character in students requires good characters in books.

IV. Conclusion

A. Racism is found all throughout literature.

B. Books written in their correct timeframe with their correct terminology should remain in schools and be used as examples of how the country has changed.


Banning Books is Unconstitutional

History is taught through more sources than textbooks alone. Life is taught by learning from history and through everyday actions. Throughout the eras, authors have written fiction novels based on events and everyday life. These stories have lasted longer than most textbooks. In today's politically correct atmosphere, one person who is...