Barbie; Destroying Self Images since 1959

Essay by sketchytwinkieHigh School, 12th gradeA, April 2002

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The thin trend makes headlines in newspapers and magazines all over the world, as well as being the topic of television talk shows and top stories in the news. Companies like Snackwell's and Nutragrain base their success on women's cravings to be thin. The media's attention on the thin and beautiful has opened up women's eyes and sparked a craving for this perfection, based on models and actresses are who television has taught us to believe are beautiful. But the root of the problem stands a little over 11 inches tall and features a moveable head, arms and legs. The culprit's name? Barbie. The Crime? Destroying the self-image of little girls since 1959.

When Barbie first hit the market, the creator, Ruth Handler stated that she wanted to make the perfect role model for her children, Barbie and Ken. Parents everywhere ripped open their wallets, and rushed to the stores to buy these dolls.

They wanted their daughters to be just like Barbie Roberts. They even wanted their sons to bring her home. Today, the only difference made to this bizarre idea, is that the doll's fan base has grown. Now girls from all over the world can share in the joys of low self image. The expectations the doll places on children are intangible. She had everything, knows everything, and can do anything. She doesn't go to school and never had a bad hair day. She always had someone to play with, and a boyfriend by her side.

Little girls were playing with a doll that had an ideal body. They could never have

this body, and yet they could not wait to grow up and develop the enormous breasts they would be expecting. They would be disappointed when their physic wasn't like hers, and of course it...