The Beginning of Time - The Big Bang

Essay by Shawn KellyHigh School, 11th gradeA, January 1996

download word file, 5 pages 4.6

Downloaded 215 times


There was a period in history when the beginning of the world in which we

live in was a expressed through legends and myths, now, through the use of

increasingly advanced scientific equipment we can see that the universe is more

vast and complex than ever imaginable. The purpose of this paper is to bring

light to some of the modern beliefs regarding the origin of the universe by

answering a series of questions. What are the commonly excepted theories of

the evolution of the universe? What is meant by the 'Big Bang Theory' and how

does it work? And how our planet and solar system developed from The Big

Bang? This paper will use scientific data to base the evolution of our universe

around The Big Bang.

At the present time there are two theories which are used to explain the

creation of the universe.

The first theory is the infamous Big Bang Theory,

which will be detailed later. The second is the Steady State Theory.

(Weinberg, 1977)

The later hypothesis was created to replace the common belief that the

universe was completely static. The expansion of the universe was discovered

in 1929 when Edwin Hubble discovered that every galaxy in the universe was

moving away from each other, this meant that the universe was expanding.

Hubble found the movement of the galaxies by using a phenomenon known as

the Doppler effect. This effect caused bodies moving away from an observer to

have a 'red-shifted' spectrum (the light spectrum of the body had been shifted

closer to red) and bodies moving towards an observer to be 'blue-shifted'

(Hawking, 1988)

The expansion was traced backwards through time to discover that all the

galaxies had originated from the same point. It was later...