Berlin 1948

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade April 2001

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THE BERLIN CRISIS OF 1948 In this paper I will show that Berlin could not have become a democracy without Western support. Ernest Bevin, who wanted to rebuild Germany as a democracy despite Soviet opposition, proves this with the German people. General Lucius D. Clay acts on behalf of Western Powers to sustain a Western dominance of the region. With these influences the hearts and minds of the German people are won over by Western idealism.

In 1948 after Germany's defeat, Germany's fate lied with the United States, Great Britian, France and Soviet Union. When all the war reparations were settled Germany was divided into four sections. United States, Great Britian and France controlled the Western sector. The Soviet Union controlled the Eastern sector of Germany. As part of the reparations Berlin was also divided into four sections. The United States, Great Britian and France also controlled West Berlin.

The Soviet Union controlled all the Eastern Berlin. Berlin was located deep in the Russian sector. As a result of this situation this gave direct contact for armed forces of the United States and the Soviet Union. This would be a major factor in the beginning of the Cold War. Berlin had internal problems. There was a major food shortage, currency was worthless and the black market had taken over. Cigarettes became the main form of currency and trade.

As a result of War World II, Europe's economy was devastated. Ernest Bevin, from Great Britian, had a plan for European recovery. Germany had proven, during the war, that it was a major industrialized country with great potential. Bevin believed in order for Europe to recover, Germany would have to be reinstated with a Democratic Government and given the means to support itself. On the other hand the Soviet's, mainly...