Bi-Polar Disorder

Essay by Asparagus44High School, 10th gradeA+, March 2004

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Cause of Bipolar Disorder- The cause of Bipolar is unknown. The people that are at risk are highly creative, sensitive people, perfectionists, and high achievers. Also, the person's ancestry may play a part in the disorder. People with higher stress levels and what a person is going through may also play a part in it. The genes from a family play a role in the disease too. The specific genes have not been discovered yet.

Diagnosis- People with Bipolar have cycles of mania and depression. One minute they may be severely depressed, but then the next, they may be up and hyper. Doctors diagnose this disease through brain scans done by the Amen Clinic or they just guess by putting you on some meds and seeing if they affect you.

Symptoms- The symptoms of this disease are different for the two states that you can be in. When you are in the manic states, you may experience increased strength and energy and decreased sleep, extreme irritability, rapid emotional changes, racing thoughts, increased interest in activities, denial of anything being wrong, abuse of drugs, provocative behavior, unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities or powers, inflated self-esteem, increased sexual drive, and poor judgment.

When you are in the depressive state, you may experience abuse of drugs, provocative behavior, unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities or powers, lack of self-esteem, decreased sexual drive, and poor judgment.

Treatment- There is no cure, but bipolar is treated usually with medication. Lithium, Mood-stabilizing anticonvulsants, Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, and Benzodiazepines are the different medications that can help this particular disorder. Psychotherapy is helpful also in most cases.

Prevention- Bipolar cannot be prevented since it is a hereditary disease.

After Effects- I could not find any after effects of this disease

History- I could not find any history of Bipolar


