Bio Study Guide

Essay by abcdefghijklmnop27High School, 10th gradeA, November 2014

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Unit 1

Chloroplasts vs mitochondrion:

Chloroplasts are only found in plant cells, they use photosynthesis

Mitochondrion are found in both, the use chemicals to breakdown food and convert it into usable compounds

They both convert things into energy

Cell wall vs plasma membrane:

Cell wall is only found in plants, it is rigid and protects the plant cell

Cell membrane are in. Oth,bit is semipermeable and flexible

Both protect cell and both regulate what goes in and out of the cell

Rough vs smooth er:

Rough er is speckled with ribosomes and assembles proteins

Smooth er makes lipids, detoxifies drugs and makes membranes

Both transport and produce domppunds important to the cell

Cytosol vs cytoplasm:

Cytosol is only the liquid part of the cytoplasm

Cytoplasm includes cytosol but is also the organelles and dissolved nutrients

They are both part of the cytoplasm and both are the liquid part

Nucleus vs.


Nucleolus does not contain DNA or chromosomes and only makes ribosomes

Nucleus contains the nucleolus and the DNA also gives instructions to the cell

Both part of the nucleus

Lysosomes vs food vacuoles:

Lysosomes breakdown food and unusable organelles

Food vacuoles store food before the lysosomes start to break it down

Both do something with food

Cytoskeleton vs micro tubules:

Micro tubules are the hollow like structures that are part of the cytoskeleton, they are important for cell division

The cytoskeleton as a whole supports the cells structure and holds the organelles in place helps move cell and parts of cell; includes the micro filaments as well

Flagella vs cilia:

Flagella is the 1-3 whip like structures that are important for moving the cell

The cilia are hair like structures that move the cell and move things across the cell

Both move cell

Ribosomes vs Golgi apparatus:

Ribosomes make...