Bipolar disease

Essay by mrmanmccallumCollege, UndergraduateB-, November 2014

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About one in four Americans suffer from bipolar disorder. Some think that having this disorder is just a slight imperfection but the disorder is much greater than a slight imperfection. Bipolar disorder is a chronically recurring condition involving mood swings between being very manic to being very sad and depressed. Bipolar disorder often starts in young adulthood but also occurs in children and adolescents. It is often misdiagnosed with confusing between attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder to schizophrenia to borderline disorder.

Bipolar is a major disorder and many people do not realise this. It affects the daily of the person. The objective of the essay is to prove that bipolar disorder is in fact, a life changer. First of all, the disorder can resist treatment though mood swings can be less frequent or delayed with a mood stabilizer alone or mixed with other drugs. Psychotherapy plays an important role and helps for dealing with the work and relationship problems that can come with the disorder.

What are the different types of bipolar disorder?

Bipolar one is often called the classic type of bipolar disorder because the patients often have both manic and depressive times and the lengths of the episodes vary. In bipolar two, the manic episodes are less intense but the depressive episodes and the same as bipolar one. Cyclothymia is different from bipolar one and two, the episodes of hypomania and depression last at least two years! Mixed episodes are ones in when manic and depression episodes happen at the same time. People often feel hopeless and depressed yet full of energy and motivated to do risky behaviors. People with rapid-cycling bipolar experience four or more episodes of manic, depression or both within one year.

When someone hears bipolar they usually think of the person as having a roller-coaster like...