Essay by A. COLLINSHigh School, 10th grade December 1996

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Bismarck's Germany

Every country has its creators. In Germany, Otto Von Bismarck is

one of them. After being a major a player in German unification, Bismarck

eagerly joined into Germany's politics becoming chancellor. The setting up

of the German government, suppression of the Catholic Church's influence

on Germany, and the denouncing of socialism, are events that Bismarck was

heavily involved in during his time as being chancellor. Bismarck helped

shape the role of the new Germany for the end of the 19th century.

After the formation of the new Unified Germany, Bismarck took

immediate control of the country's government. Allowing Prussia to keep a

huge amount of influence on Germany's foreign affairs, Bismarck set up a

democracy. A federation of monarchies still remained though that would

reign over the German states. Two houses of delegates were created. One

called the Reichstag which was elected by universal suffrage, and an upper

house consisting of delegates representing the German princes.


as chancellor usually tried to have the Reichstag on his side, but he was

not scared to go against them. The lower house had many legislation

restrictions on it, and so was used to help keep the relations between the

government and the people good. Bismarck gave the upper house priority

in national affairs. By doing this, Otto Von Bismarck kept with the doctrine

signed at the begging of the new empire.

The Catholic Church was a pain in Bismarck's side from the start of

him being chancellor of Germany. After Bismarck took control of the

country, the Church condemned all attempts by the government to

intervene in education and church related events. This created a split in

the country between the fateful German liberals and the fateful Catholics.

The result was that a political party was formed called the...