Book Report "By the Color of our Skin: The Illusion of Integration and the Reality of Race" By: Leonard Steinhorn and Barbara Diggs-Brown

Essay by babykidd1College, UndergraduateF, November 2002

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Book Report

"By the Color of our Skin: The Illusion of Integration and the Reality of Race"

By: Leonard Steinhorn and Barbara Diggs-Brown

Barbara Diggs-Brown is an experienced editor who knows how to transform a research idea into a finished creation. Leonard Steinhorn is an assistant professor at the American University School of Communication. These two are the authors of "By the Color of our Skin: The Illusion of Integration and the Reality of Race", a book about the truth of America's problem with segregation and how it still lives. The book includes Steinhorn and Diggs-Brown's opinions and perspectives, and is probably the only two things the two authors have in common.

Barbara Diggs-Brown is a black African American who lives in the urban part of Washington. Mrs. Diggs-Brown has a gift for guiding students and brings a strong professional atmosphere to her work. She has served as a press secretary during the Carter/Mondale administration, director of public affairs in the US Department of Transportation, and director of scheduling in the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Professor Diggs-Brown attended American University in 1989 as a full-time faculty member and has stayed ever since. She earned her Bachelors degree from Howard University and Masters from AU. Leonard Steinhorn is a civil rights supporter and a former speechwriter who has often been published in major media including "The Baltimore Sun" and "The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He is also a professor of American University.

"By the Color of Our Skin" is a book that illustrates the most influential lies and outlines a new revelation of race in America. "It's true that the rainbow world promised by advertising isn't here yet!" states Camille Jackson of the Advocate Weekly Newspaper. And as sad as that may sound it's the truth. The purpose of the...