I was born on January 8th, 1981 at 2:23 Am.

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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I was born on January 8th, 1981 at 2:23 Am. in Unity Hospital. My birth weight was seven pounds, four ounces and I was measured at twenty-one inches in length. In talking to my mom about prenatal care, I discovered that she took great care to do things right, especially because I was her first child. She took the pre-natal vitamins, went to the regular check-ups approximately every two months, and she walked a mile and a half twice a week during her pregnancy. She also told me that she made sure she ate healthfully, for a total weight gain of about twenty-five pounds. My mom was never a smoker and only an occasional drinker, so she had no problems with abstaining from these. I developed normally in the womb because I came out a very healthy child.

Since I couldn?t locate a baby book of any sort, I had to rely on what my mom and dad could remember.

From birth until age one, I was breast fed. I could roll over at six weeks, crawl between 6 and 8 months, and walk at about one year. Overall, I?m told I was a pretty good baby. I was sleeping throughout the night by the time I was approximately six months old. My dad noted that I was pretty easy to care for and that I was not a big crier, besides the occasional colic episodes.

According to my mom, my first word was dada, and I was able to talk two-word sentences at about a year of age. In addition, I could talk full sentences at about a year and a half. I guess I was quite the talker. I am told that I used to be the center of attention at Grandma?s house, where they would set me...