What is a a brand ?

Essay by raddieUniversity, Master'sA-, July 2005

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What is a a brand ? Why we need branding ? A brand is identified as a name, term, design, symbol or any feature that identify a seller's goods or services from those of the other sellers . Branding is the goods and/or services plus added values that provide functional, economic and psychological benefits for the end-users in term of Quality, Price and Image.

Definitions of a "brand" ranged from "a unique or differentiated product" to "a consumer recognized name" to "an identifiable image or personality tied to a product". Some respondents went further to assert that a "brand" is the actual relationship that a product has with the consumer, while others were more practical in assessing that a "brand" is the extra value?added that a customer is willing to pay for that branded product.

BRAND; An asset, simply stated, is a property, with an assumed value that should be consistently maximized by an organization.

A brand is a perceived image residing in the mind of consumers. A strong branded culture sets the quality/value standard. This becomes the corporate guarantee; the basis of consumer trust; indeed the brand becomes the consumer's editor of choice; even that highest level of brand loyalty : a lifetime relationship.

However, in todays world, propositioned by an estimated 1,000 brands a week, consumers have become highly sophisticated - and very demanding. Once, manufacturers designed products around their core technologies, a strategy that worked in an era of rapidly growing demand. Now, companies face the prospect of too many products chasing too little global demand. Marketers, in response, need to concentrate ever more on quality and service - not simply satisfying consumers' current needs, but anticipating future ones as well.

Moreover, Major BRANDS have been under unrelenting attack from low-priced alternatives( ie: Compaq in...