The Brave Jem Finch

Essay by Joe RanumJunior High, 7th gradeA+, April 1997

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The Brave Jem Finch

The book à ÃTo Kill a Mockingbird- -, by Harper Lee, has manycharacters and

themes. The main themes are racism and theinteraction of colored and white p eople in the

south. The settingis Maycomb County, Alabama. The main characters are the Finchfamily;

father Atticus, daughter and narrater Jean Louise (Scout),and her older brother, Jem Finch.

- ÐÐ Ð Jem was a brave boy. He was brave

enough to stand up and dothe things he had to, even if they scared him. An example is whenhe

had to help cure Mrs. Dubose's drug problem.

` 'The following Monday Jem and I climbed

the steep (#(#K front steps to Mrs. Dubose's house...'

` 'So, you brought that dirty little sister of yours,

did you?' was her greeting.

` Jem said quietly, 'My sister isn't dirty and I ain't

scared of you,' although I noticed his knees shaking.-


Jem Finch's bravery had many ways of showing itself. He oftengot scared but he

didn't want anyone (especially Scout) to know it. He would often do things even if he really didn't

want to, becausehe was brave and proud. This pride was for himself and his family.His father

was very important to him; Jem thought it was his dutyto sti ck up for his father when others in

the town said thingsabout him.

'Jem,' he said, 'are you responsible for this?'- Ð

` `

'Yes sir.'

` `

'Why'd you do it?'

Jem said softly, 'She said you lawed for niggers and trash.'

Jems bravery was also evident in other character traits;emotions were a large

part of his life. Because Atticus was alawyer, Jem often went to the court room and noticed the

variety ofstrong emotions that are invoked by the pressure and atmosphere ofthe courtroom.

Jems bravery...