
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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A TRIBUTE TO THE BEST Throughout our never ceasing, seemingly perpetual world which we inhabit, we very rarely stop to take notice to the small yet invaluable essentials of life. As a human race, we take no time to focus on, or even give thought to, these prerequisites of our culture. Such an item that humanity nearly takes for granted is bread. Bread, a rather simple, unpretentious substance, has been commonly stereotyped as a plain, ordinary, unadorned unexciting food. Yet quite the contrary is accurate. The apparent brilliance of bread's creator is awesomely and overpoweringly overwhelming, for this man, or woman, created a food that is loved by all and is still inexpensive.

When one takes the immense amount of time needed to examine the goodness of bread, they will see that bread is truly astonishing. Although thought to be bland, bread is, in all actuality, a delicious insert to complete even the most elegant of meals.

Bread is something that may seem tasteless and flavorless, but is, beyond doubt, appetizing. When you think about it, there is hardly a person in this diverse, varied world who truly does not like bread. In fact, some people's worst nightmare would come in the form of being declared allergic to bread.

As I have said, bread is truly amazing. It is in the sense that it is contained in almost every type of food, and yet never given even the common decency of a second thought. Bread is the building block of basically every food that is known to man. No other food has these type of credentials, and no other food is as important to society as bread is. What would the world do if there was a sudden lack of bread? The fact is that bread regularly...