Brisbane Forest Park Field Study Write Up

Essay by s7089491High School, 11th gradeA+, November 2006

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2. Aim Of Field Studies

The Aim of the field studies is to investigate the effects of differing abiotic factors on the biotic characteristics of a community.

3. Hypothesis

That the differences in adaptations shown between organisms in a closed sub-tropical rainforest community and an open sclerophyll forest community are dependent on the varying abiotic factors found in each ecosystem

4. Apparatus/Materials

- CBL2 data collector plus Texas T1 - 83 calculator

- Temperature probe attached to CBL2 for ambient temperature reading

- Temperature probe for soil

- Light intensity probe (sensor)

- Hygrometer (shared with another group)

- 1 X 10m string for transect

- Ruler

- Spoon and plastic vial for soil

- Digging implement

- Canopy cover card

- Measuring tape

- Paper plus water bottle

5. Procedure/Method

1. Firstly select a representative patch of Eucalypt forest. Write a brief description of the topography, plant distribution, the dominant types of plants, light intensity, shape of the trees.

2. Choose a spot randomly in your area of study. Using the light intensity probe record the light intensity at this point. Record this in the table provided. Using a random method move to a second location and record the light intensity at this location. Carry this out for 5 locations, recording your results in table 1

3. Record data from 4 other groups and calculate the average light intensity for the Open Sclerophyll Forest. (This will need to be carried out at a later time). Record your average in table 2.

4. Similarly, at each location record data for the following abiotic factor:

- Ambient (air) temperature (using digital temperature probe)

- Soil temperature (using soil temperature probe)

- Relative humidity - 1 hygrometer per 2 groups

5. Indicate the degree of leaf litter and, if any is present...