Budweiser - The King of All Advertising

Essay by jasonchaoCollege, UndergraduateA-, March 2007

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The big day has just arrived, a national tradition that has been celebrated ever since its first appearance in January of 1967. The Smith family sits down in front of the television anxiously awaiting the kick off to the year's biggest sporting event, the Super Bowl. While the family sits in anticipation of the game, many advertisers eagerly await the releasing of their multi-million dollar television commercials. With nearly half of America's television sets tuned to the channel, this is their ultimate chance to attract new customers to their products. The commercials are designed to be hip and create a buzz and are just as attractive to some as the Super Bowl is itself.

What now becomes a problem is that the Smith family, along with the millions of other families across America, has its underage children watching to alcohol commercials that are promoting its use. The recent use of animated beer commercials with colorful, vibrant, and humorous characters such as talking frogs used by Budweiser seem to have much appeal towards the young crowd.

"What we found is the more kids like the ads, and as a result, they pay attention to them, the more likely they are to be drinkers and the more often they drink." (Smith 2) These commercials are encouraging children to try alcohol and needs to be ban from public television nationwide.

This Super Bowl gathering may have been typical within many American families for years but what have just recently become characteristic are the advertisements involving beer makers. In the past year, beer makers including Budweiser, Miller, and Coors have claimed the biggest tab of all the advertisers on Super Bowl Sunday with the amount of $20 million dollars for 11 spots. This is obviously no coincidence and a marketing strategy planned out to...