Californian Stereotypes

Essay by LalaCarterCollege, UndergraduateA, October 2014

download word file, 5 pages 0.0

Californians' and their Stereotypes

The California Travel and Tourism Commission provides' information to the public about tourism in California. They have recently received much publicity for their star- studded TV advertisements. The most recent commercial, "Misconceptions" has been featured on both national and local programming since fall 2012. The ad creates fourteen diverse scenes all exemplifying the various lifestyles of Californians. Many of the people in each scene are recognizable and are telling the audience how they are always stereotyped incorrectly. Yet, the person in the next scene fits to the last scene's stereotype precisely. This use of sarcasm shows that although stereotypes are usually looked down upon, they are almost always accurate. The ad works against the popular belief that stereotypes are negative and should be diminished. By incorporating both popular and ordinary individuals, using sarcastic dialogue, and appealing to sexuality this ad is successful in attracting a diverse audience while insinuating a deeper message about the validity and appeal of common stereotypes in today's world.

California is home to the famous city of Hollywood so it is only natural that the "Misconceptions" ad features many famous people of pop culture. The first scene of the commercial is showing reality star Kim Kardashian tanning by a pool and drinking a martini. Musician Jason Mraz is shown playing his guitar to some ladies on the beach and The Jonas Brothers stand in Disneyland. Olympic skier Shannon Bahrke, chef Michael Chiarello, and conductor Gustavo Dudamel are shown in their natural habitats, doing what they love. And the final scenario shows the iconic Betty White on a movie set. Jack Solomon wrote, "We Americans dream of rising above the crowd, of attaining a social summit beyond the reach of ordinary citizens." ("Master's of Desire: The Culture of American Advertising" 525) The use...