Canada - of the United States of America

Essay by Mat HarrisonCollege, Undergraduate December 1996

download word file, 10 pages 4.3

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The Canadian identity has always been difficult to define. We, as Canadians, have continued to define

ourselves by reference to what we are not - American - rather than in terms of our own national history and

tradition. This is ironic since the United States is continuing to be allowed by Canadians to take over our economy

and literally buy our country. Culturally Canada has its own distinct government and institutions which differ and

are better from those in the United States, but economically the country has been all but sold out to America. The

major cultural differences to be examined are that of Canada's strong government, institutions such as welfare and

universal healthcare, and our profound respect for law and authority. These establishments make Canada a

separate nation from the USA. Economically, it will be examined how Canada has become a victim to

Americanization through the purchase of Canada with our own money, the shocking statistics of Canada's foreign

ownership, and the final payment for our country, free trade.

All in all we have our own government, our own

flag, our own anthem; but are we really Canadian or a not quite United State of America?

In Canada, strong government involvement plays an immense role in determining the destiny of its

people for the good of the society.

In Canada you are reminded of the government every day. It parades before you. It is

not content to be the servant, but will be the master...

Henry David Thoreau, 18861

Although slightly outdated, as of 1982 47.3 percent of Canada's GNP was in government hands, compared with

38% in the United States. Government spending in Canada was 24.4% greater than in the U.S. and if you subtract

the U.S.'s excessive...