The car crash! This is a short story that i wrote for my GCSE this particular one got graded a B

Essay by leachick77 November 2002

download word file, 4 pages 3.8

Downloaded 65 times

Joni woke remembering that she still needed to get out of the car her last thought before she'd fell unconscious, even though the bright lights stung her eyes her headache worse than before. She pushed her self up onto her elbows, groaning quietly at the pain that suddenly shot down her arm in response to this movement, though she couldn't tell whether they were cut or bruised. Trying to open her eyes Joni squinted at the bright strip lights directly above her. A strong antiseptic smell filled her nostrils causing a nauseous feeling to wash over her. A noise that sounded as though it was coming from far in the distance was beeping in a steady rhythm, sounded amplified against the otherwise still silence. Trying to look round the room Joni's eyesight, which was not yet adjusted to the bright light, saw that her surroundings consisted of mainly white. The dark shape of a man sitting by Joni's bed stood out against the whiteness of the room.

The man wore casual clothes so he couldn't have been a doctor or nurse, and yet Joni didn't know who this man was or why he was visiting her.

"Ssshh, lie back down you need your rest now" an unfamiliar voice told her, standing up from where he was sitting he looked tall leaning over Joni's bed.

"But..." she tried to answer being interrupted not only by the constant throbbing of her head but also the man continuing to speak. Deciding that lying down was a good suggestion Joni did as the man had told her, but was still fighting to keep her usually clear blue eyes open which felt red and sore.

"I'm really sorry there was nothing that I could do, you drove straight into me before swerving off the edge...