The Cask Of Amontillado

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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"The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe is a tale about a man, Montresor, set on a path of revenge. Montresor's antagonist, Fortunato, has insulted him once to often which has earned him the wrath of Montresor. Early one evening during carnival season Montresor came upon his friend Fortunato who had apparently been drinking, this was obvious as he had been excessively friendly. Montresor seized the moment and set out on this path of revenge. Knowing that Fortunato prided himself on being a connoisseur of fine wines, Montresor brought up the subject of his purchase of a pipe of Amontillado and stated that he was unsure if it was the real thing. He did this fully aware that Fortunato would be interested in giving his opinion on whether it was the real thing, thus giving him a way to lure him to his house where the final act of revenge would occur.

Poe's story is about revenge, and how pride can be the downfall of anyone.

The main character, Montresor, is portrayed as a devious, cruel, manipulative and intelligent person. These traits are seen throughout the story. First, Montresor, fully aware that he is going to murder his friend, acts completely as if nothing is wrong when he runs into him on that fateful evening. Montresor's manipulative and intelligent sides come into play when he brought up the subject of Amontillado and used reverse psychology in luring him to his house to avoid having Fortunato go off to meet Luchresi as he had intended. Finally Poe shows how cruel Montresor is when he has reached the point where the murder is about to take place. Rather than just killing Fortunato for his revenge, he instead shackled him to a part of one of the catacombs and proceeded...