Causes of ADHD

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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According to the American Psychiatric Association, symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ?include indicators of inattention; easily distracted, forgetfulness, failing to finish tasks, and organizational difficulties and hyperactivity; fidgeting, talking excessively and being constantly active?(APA). How many children do you know that do not meet one or more of these symptoms? But what is the cause of these symptoms? There are some researchers who believe that ADHD is caused by many factors. Although the specific cause remains unknown, research has greatly increased in the last several years. Presently, the most likely cause of ADHD is believed to be hereditary, but other causes have been implicated as well. In addition to genetic causes, there are other biological and medical factors that have caused ADHD-like symptoms. Uncertainties about the causes of ADHD have created an abundant atmosphere for conjecture. Those theories holding parents to blame for their child's hysterical behavior have been discarded and determined unsubstantiated.

The most well-known incorrect causes are food, diet, poor parenting, excessive television watching or video-game playing, and hormones.

These factors were primarily believed to be causes of ADHD because they seem to be related. Parents ascertain that after they fed their children sugar or other foods, they become hyperactive. Certain diets claimed to eliminate hyperactivity by reducing sugar intake. Specialists who witnessed unrestrained conduct determined that parenting technique must be flawed. Also, hyperactive children seemed to watch more TV and play more video games than other children. It seemed reasonable that the ADHD could stem from some kind of hormonal imbalance, much like the moodiness of adolescence.

Rigorous studies failed to find that any of these associations were true causes of ADHD. Nor could any of these aspects change the symptoms. Contrary to parental ideas, decrease in sugar intake did not make children significantly less...