Cell Organelles

Essay by lonelyblue September 2006

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* DNA is found here

* RNA is transcribed in the nucleus

* Transcribed RNA is then transported out of the nucleus through the nucleus pores.

* The nucleolus is a visible dark spot in the nucleus and it is where ribosome forms.


* Ribosomes are sites of protein synthesis, and where RNA is translated to protein.

* Protein synthesis is very important to the cell and hundreds or thousands of ribosomes may exist in the cytoplasm.

* It may also be found bounded to the endoplasmic reticulum.

* Ribosomes spit into two when not synthesizing protein


* Mitochondria are sites of aerobic respiration.

* They are the major energy production center in cell.

* Mitochondria have 2 membranes, inner and outer membrane.

* There are many folding in the inner membrane which serves to increase the surface area of membrane on which membrane-bound reactions can take place.

* Mitochondria have their own DNA and their own ribosome; and those ribosomes are more similar to bacterial ribosome than to eukaryotic ribosome.

* They produce the ATP which acts as a battery to the cell.


* Chloroplasts are sites of photosynthesis.

* They also have double membrane.

* They are also the power house of the plant cell.

* Chloroplasts works in line with mitochondrion to provide the cell with energy.

* They also create ATP via the thylakoid membrane during photosynthesis.

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

* The ER is like a transport tunnel for molecules targeted for certain modification and specific final destination.

* There are 2 type of ER, the rough ER and the smooth ER.

* The rough ER appears rough due to the presence of ribosomes on the membrane surface.

* Smooth ER is important in the synthesis of lipids and membrane proteins.