Changes that occur in "Frankly Frankie"

Essay by poppy_marseHigh School, 10th grade April 2006

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In the book "Frankly Frankie" by Rony Robinson the main character Frankie undergoes many changes throughout the course of the book. In the beginning he is a very negative and angry boy who blames his mother for his parents divorce, he also seems to be in denial about his parents divorce. However at the end of the book Frankie becomes more independent and reasonable, he stops blaming his mother and accepts his parents' divorce.

When we, the readers, first start reading the book Frankie comes across as angry and negative, always looking at the bad side of things. One example of his negativity in the way that when he goes for walks through the woods he always comments on the dead animals 'Saw a dead rabbit, while shaking Tina through the roughest bit of the woods to try and get her to sleep the night before last." This is something that happens throughout the book (Frankie talking about the 'defunct quadrupeds').

Frankie has trouble adjusting to and acknowledging his new home, school and companions. An example of his rejection of his new surroundings is in the way he acts at school. First of all he refuse to wear the schools uniform and continues to wear his London school uniform. He also does not make an effort to get to know or try to like his teachers and classmates, describing them using semi-derogatory terms such as bottle green kids. "All these thrity bottle-green kids are doing their verbs down their blocked northern noses. He also calls the teacher. The way that he uses funny accents or pretends to be stupid around the teachers is another way in which he shows his annoyance at being at this school. An example of this is when he speaks in a cockney accent to the...