child labor

Essay by dinkushumi March 2014

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Ethiopia ETH


1 2 0 1 2 f i n d i n g s o n t h e w o r s t f o r m s o f c h i l d l a b o r

In 2012, Ethiopia made a significant advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The Government of Ethiopia approved a National Action Plan to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor; ratified the Palermo Protocol; and passed the Young Worker's Directive, which includes an updated list of hazardous occupations for children. The Government also released data on child labor in the Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey from 2011. In addition, the Government expanded a cash transfer program to assist vulnerable populations, including child laborers, into three new regions, and operates Africa's largest social protection program, the Productive Safety Net Program Phase II. The Government also established a National Steering Committee on child labor, increased the number of labor inspectors from 130 to 380, and participates in and implements several programs to combat the worst forms of child labor. However, gaps in legislation continue to put children at risk and government efforts to address child labor have not sufficiently targeted sectors with a high incidence of child labor. Children continue to engage in the worst forms of child labor, particularly in agriculture and domestic service.

Statistics on Working Children and Education

Children Age Percent

Working 5-14 yrs. 22.0 (5,545,319)

Attending School 5-14 yrs. 54.0

Combining Work and School 7-14 yrs. 17.0

Primary Completion Rate 64.0

Sources: Primary completion rate: Data from 2011, published by UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2013.(1) All other data: Understanding Children's Work Project's analysis of statistics from DHS Survey, 2011.(2)

Prevalence and Sectoral Distribution of the Worst Forms of Child Labor Children...