Seeing Double

Walking down the street today, we expect to see different people everyday and no two people looking exactly alike. Not even twins could be exact replicas of each other, for they have many similar features but there are still subtle differences. But imagine walking down the street in the future where cloning is permitted and perfected. Which means someone close to you could just be a clone of another person. They have exactly the same features; not a single difference between them besides the fact that one of them was actually born from a mother and father, while the other was born from a test tube. So is cloning ethical or is it "playing God" as some would say it?

Many people have different views of cloning such as "a crime against humanity" (Trounson) and "the prospect of human reproductive cloning has been widely condemned by clerics and ethicists, politicians, pundits and scientists as unethical, unsafe and socially dangerous" (Kevles).

An opposing view says, "An important aspect of being pro-life is to support the technologies that help the living" (The Christian Century). Reproductive cloning has been talked about a lot ever since the birth of Dolly, who was the first successfully cloned animal. But even if Dolly is the first successful clone, she still had many defects, as she had a shortened life span and has many deformities. Most clones do not even live to be born into this world. Many books have been written about the subject, and even some nonfiction books such as Brave New World where people in the future create babies in labs. Many of the books are written against cloning and stating it is morally wrong and should be banned. "Even most advocates of research agree that reproductive cloning should be...