Cloning can be a very sensitive subject. It seems that it?s a battle betweenscience and ethics.

Essay by vvv563 January 2004

download word file, 5 pages 4.4

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The goal of genetic engineering is that every child be born strong,

healthy, and well suited to make its way to the world. If genetic engineering

would be used in this way the world would probably be a place of less disease.

Sure it may be unethical to do some tests on humans, but without them medical

progress would come to a halt. Cloning might also directly offer a way of

curing diseases or a technique that could extend means to acquiring new data for

the sciences of embryology and how organisms develop as a whole over time.

Science has been trying for years to come up with cures for genetic diseases and

so far haven?t really come up with anything that is truly helpful. On the other

hand, with the technology of genetic engineering scientists may finally be able

to start to understand the causes of diseases and to develop possible treatments

and even prevention.

For instance, the most studied disease is Cystic Fibrosis.

Although, we have not found a cure yet, science !

might be getting close to coming up with a way of preventing Cystic Fibrosis.

Science has made some major discoveries in the past forty years. In the

1960?s two French scientists by the names of Jacques Monod and Francois Jacob

showed that genes can be turned on and off by what are called regulator genes.

If it were possible to manipulate the regulator genes, than it would be possible

to turn Cancer cells off and prevent it. It is expected that 185,000 people

will be diagnosed with a brain tumor alone in 2000. That?s just brain Cancer,

imagine how many lives would be saved if all Cancer cells could be turned off.

Cloning isn?t just an advantage to the medical field. It would provide a...