Compare the movie "The Patriot" with Historical Reality?

Essay by funn_aliJunior High, 8th gradeA, February 2008

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Movies are made to be sold and not history to be perfectly told. If movies include a complete history, it wouldn't be known as a movie anymore. However, it would be called a documentary, which most people get fed up of. So interpretations, exaggerations and idealistic scenes are added to the movie to make it more interesting for the audience. "The Patriot" is a similar film made during the modern day time about a time period in which none of the experienced the real revolution. Politically, socially, and culturally, "The Patriot" attempts to give a sense of the scope of aspects involved in the American Revolution. Despite succeeding in this regard, it still lacks details that reveal the true complexity of the mixed sentiments present in this time period.

Starting with the protagonist, Marion was originally the lead character in the script, but because of controversy and to allow for more dramatic storytelling, Martin was introduced.

Martin is an amalgamation of several American Revolutionaries; Francis Marion, Elijah Clarke, Daniel Morgan, Andrew Pickens, and Thomas Sumter.

Martin's hit and run tactics and nickname 'The Ghost' were inspired by Francis Marion, known as the "Swamp Fox", while the tactics of using the militia on the front to draw the British in the final battle were based on similar tactics used by Daniel Morgan at the Battle of Cowpens. Thomas Sumter and Andrew Pickens' influence seems to be that both rejoined the fight after the British burned their homes (Online).

Similarly, the antagonists (villains) in the movie are exaggerated orhave a melodramatic appearance in the movie.

Adding a pure villain in a movie makes it more appealing as people get interested in the movie to find out what will happen at the end. Colonel Tavington is based on the historical figure...