Comparing and Contrasting University of Phoenix and University of Oklahoma

Essay by kelkinseyUniversity, Bachelor'sA, November 2007

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Attending two different colleges has given me the opportunity to see which type of college is best for me. When I first got out of high school I decided I was going to attend the University of Oklahoma but had to drop out due to personal issues after the first year. Now that I am older and ready for college I am now attending the University of Phoenix. When comparing and contrasting the University of Phoenix and the University of Oklahoma you can find likes and differences with the programs, classes and campuses.

The programs at both universities are alike however; they are different in many ways. They both are 4 year colleges. The University of Phoenix and the University of Oklahoma are both accredited colleges so it doesn’t matter if you got to either one of them to get your degree. One difference could be that the University of Phoenix bases itself more on life learning, take what you learn from experience, than like the University of Oklahoma where they focus more on book learning.

At the University of Oklahoma you attend classes two to three times a week for sixteen weeks whereas, the University of Phoenix you only attend one class a week for five weeks and complete the same amount of courses in the same amount of time.

The classroom setting and the type of classes that you take for a specific degree have some likeness and differences. Whether you are studying business management at the University of Phoenix or the University of Oklahoma you are going to take the same type of classes for the degree program. Any college you attend including the University of Phoenix or the University of Oklahoma you are going to have a lot of reading and homework to own up...