Comparison between "Epic of Gilgamesh", translated by N.K.Sandars and "Noah and the Flood," from Genesis

Essay by pak123Junior High, 8th gradeA, July 2007

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The stories "Epic of Gilgamesh", translated by N.K.Sandars and "Noah and the Flood," from Genesis, are similar, and different in many ways. One of the similarities between these two stories is that they both took place thousands of years ago, and the difference between these stories is that the story of "The Flood" is part of a longer epic, "Epic of Gilgamesh", and "Noah and the Flood" stands alone. Also, like the creation stories of Genesis, the story of Noah explains beginnings. For example, it explains the appearance of a rainbow after a storm. It also explains the development of agreement, the ongoing pact between the Hebrews and God.

In the "Epic of Gilgamesh", the people were powerless against chronic threats of devastating floods, severe droughts and confrontational neighbors who wanted a good life. It's no doubt that the religious beliefs of the ancient Mesopotamians were somewhat gloomy.

These people worshiped a pantheon, or family, of unpredictable gods and goddesses who brought about misfortune as well as favor, for these people there was no joyful afterlife to look forward to, regardless of their status or how they lived. All these beliefs are evident in the epic, as the hero Gilgamesh, in spite of his great powers, suffers a life changing loss. When the person, Enkidu, who means the most to him dies, the proud Gilgamesh must come to reality that he will not live forever. In the Sumerian's view, death offers only emptiness and Gilgamesh rebels against it, and sets off on a quest to attain mortality. But in the end Gilgamesh discovers that he should be satisfied and be content with his life.

"Noah and the Flood" from Genesis is memory of a terrifying flood that occurred...