Comparison of three John Hopkin poems. God-man poems "God's Grandeur", "Peace", and "Pied Beauty"

Essay by CHEATINGMARYHigh School, 12th gradeB-, December 2002

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Hopkins wrote three poems specifically about the beauty of God's creation and mostly about the aspects of everyday life. This is clearly seen in "God's Grandeur", "Pied Beauty" and "Peace" as Hopkins describes uniqueness of God's creations, the thoughts and worries of human beings, God's mysterious ways and human's disregard for the earth in which God has created. To each poem, much praise is given to God and all he has created. Each poem is also being spoken to God.

Pied Beauty praises and gives thanks to God for the "dapple" things. Hopkins marvels at how each of God's creations are extremely unique when he says, "all things counter, original, spare, strange." He can see that each creation is unique and out of the ordinary. Hopkin's also describes God's creations through antithesis. "Swift, slow; sweet, sour; a dazzle dim;" describes extreme opposite words balancing one another to the extreme differences of all that God creates and how they balance one another to portray God's splendor.

"Peace" is an apostrophe to peace. Hopkin's asks God why we cannot have peace all the time. He asks, "When, when, Peace, will you, Peace?" as he recognizes that peace only comes "sometimes" yet wants peace always. This is seen when Hopkins tells God "That piecemeal peace is poor peace" Piece and peace being puns, enables us to recognize that only pieces of peace come to us, but not all together. With "patience" however, we can recognize and wait for peace to come. This shows and praises God's mysterious ways.

"God's Grandeur" praises God's grandeur and amazement. Hopkin's begins the poem saying, "the world is charged with the grandeur of God." Being charged with grandeur is an extremely strong point in which Hopkin's describes god's amazing ways to be...