Comparsion Between "Two Tales from Canterbury" by Miller.

Essay by ironcoop125High School, 12th gradeA+, October 2003

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Comparison of Two Stories from the Canterbury Tales

The Miller's Tale and the Franklin's Tale are two completely different stories. The miller's tale responds to certain other tales, like the Knight's tale. It turns it from courtly love into a burlesque farce. In the Franklin's tale, the lovers are described as higher on the social rank. The genre of the Miller's tale is that of fabliaux. Fabliaux are a story or tale, which describes naughty situations, and are usually bawdy comic tales. The Miller is described as drunk and belligerent. The tale is stereotypical of his bawdy character and low social ranking. Although its theme is adultery, the Miller emphasizes that it is a joke. "I am drunk...if I speak amiss, blame it on the ale of Southwark" meaning that he should not be held accountable for the tales rowdiness. However, the Miller tells the story with beautiful imagery. He says, "Her body was as graceful and slim as a weasel's...her

loins a flared apron white as morning-fresh milk". He goes on to describe how her voice is as a beautiful as a barn swallow and that she was more of a treat to look at. The Franklin's tale is all about love, a Briton lay. No satire or parody is involved. The Franklin is clearly the more gentlemen of the two. The theme of the tale has to do with marriage and how it is not always meaningless and viewed as undesirable because it brings upon woe. Like the Miller's tale, the Franklin uses wonderful imagery to describe Dorigen as the fairest under the sun. The characters act generously and in accordance with the highest ideals of conduct. They have all been born into noble families. Where as the Miller places his characters intrigue in a lower-class context, satirizing...