Computer Programming and Program Development

Essay by zackkreUniversity, Bachelor'sA, May 2010

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Computer Programs and Program Development

Zack Kremnitser

PRG 210

University of Phoenix



Computer Programs and Program Development

There are three basic types of programming languages; each having their own advantages and disadvantages. With so many programming languages that exist, each provides a relationship between the computer program and how the computer processes and stores data. Program development consists of a development cycle and it is important to use a structured, modular approach when creating program requirements, design, and code (Venit & Drake, 2007, p. 18).

Computers only understand machine language directly, which consists of a sequence of ones and zeros that represent something for it to do. It is the fastest type of language for the computer to recognize, therefore reacting faster and completing a task in the shortest time possible. However, for the typical programmer, difficulty to read, write, and memorize strings of ones and zeros resulted in using an assembly or a high-level language (Venit & Drake, 2007, p.


Using an assembly language is very close to machine code. "Assembly language is a symbolic representation of machine language" (Venit & Drake, 2007, p. 18). An advantage of assembly language exists due to the fact that its instructions coincide with the machine code on a one-to-one basis; however it is still not as fast as machine language because it needs to be translated into machine language with the aid of an assembler (Venit & Drake, 2007, p. 18).

The most human friendly type of programming language is the high-level language. The ease of use and the ability to learn them easier, contribute to their popularity. Containing English words makes for easier use and modifications for the high-level languages. Although the high-level languages are also...