The Confedrate Nation

Essay by hobbs4848fbUniversity, Master'sA+, September 2006

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The Confederate Ideology

The Confederate ideology was the founded on their cultural lifestyle and the importance of the slavery system in their economy. Once they designed their Constitution their ideology was chiseled into stone, they would defend their, "peculiar institution," at all costs.

"Racial slavery was the most distinctive feature of southern life." Before the war slavery was being established in the South and people lives and welfare depended on the slave system to function properly. This system became the cornerstone of the South's social, economical and political life. Socially, southern "belles," lived in nice plantations and were used to the nice things that a wealthy husband can buy. These plantations often had 30 to 40 as least to function. Instead of the "southern belles," to take care of daily task they became the important, popular, and fancy women of the south. The daily tasks were handed down to the slave, while belle's lived the rich life.

Confederate culture was often compared to romanticism. Southern belles and others often saw themselves as romantics and expressed it in ways from poetry, writings, music, dance and even architecture. "Southern poets...generally indulged romantic tastes and reinforced their readers' appreciation of things Southern." Notably, this odd house, "three P house,", "which stood for a two pens and a path, resembled those in Greece." Once one portion of the house was built they would add other sections that mirrored those of the Greek lifestyle. This architecture was often impressive. "Cultural life in the south, celebrated the Southern world as it romantic visions of courtly love, chivalry, Greek temples..." People of the South saw themselves as inferior to those of the North who only believed in, "money," and were doing everything they could to defend their culture and their institution.

The southern economic society depended...