Conflict Resolution in Work Teams

Essay by BigTensUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, July 2004

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Conflict Resolution in Work Teams:

Working Together to Achieve Results


Understanding conflict is a key element in effectively achieving conflict resolution. Although conflict proves to have benefits and drawbacks, conflict resolution is an important aspect of team unity. An important work-team responsibility is to create a team environment in which conflict can be managed, not avoided. By using the appropriate approaches and methods to manage conflict, conflict resolution can effectively be achieved.

Conflict Resolution in Work Teams:

Working Together to Achieve Results

"Conflict, like water and fire, is neither good nor bad. Unlike water or fire, however, conflict is not something that can been directly touched, weighed or seen--it lies in the minds of the people who are in conflict" (Capozzoli, 1995, para 4). Conflict must be recognized and overcome to avoid its destructive effects on a work team. Teams must realize early on that conflict among their members is inevitable.

By being proactive and looking for ways to resolve conflict beforehand, teams are ready for conflict as it arises. Teams can then move forward with the necessary tools and skills, which they have attained through preparation and research, to resolve conflicts that can hinder the team's progress.

Understanding Conflict

Conflict is a natural disagreement resulting from individuals or groups that differ in attitudes, beliefs, values or needs. It can also originate from past rivalries and personality differences" ("Managing Conflict," para 1). The six ingredients of conflict are needs, perceptions, power, values, and feeling and emotions ("Managing Conflict"). Conflict should not be stereotyped as negative as it can lead to "growth and innovation, new ways of thinking, and additional management options" ("Managing Conflict,"

para 7).

Drawbacks of Conflict

A major drawback of conflict is much time and dollars can be spent on achieving a resolution to a complex conflict.