Conflict - A Way of Life

Essay by YiLeiTJunior High, 9th gradeA+, September 2006

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Conflicts arise from different expectations among people. Though rational people tend to minimize its chances of occurrence, unfortunately, there is no way we could avoid it entirely in our life. My story begins with a norm taught by the seniors, 'Being a child, you should do your best to make your loved ones happier.'

It was a Mothers' Day when I was five years old. What a wonderful day that I remembered vividly how marvelous I felt when I brought home a sparkling hand-made Mothers' Day card. She was thrilled upon seeing the simple yet sincere words 'Dear Mom, I love you'. I was so pleased with a beaming smile radiated from her face. I told myself instantly that I did the right thing.

Being raised in an ordinary family, with both parents having a passion for reading, I easily found myself a way to please them simply by reading.

It worked very well. Soon, my mother began buying me all types of fiction books so that my so-called 'eager for reading' could be satisfied. In the end, I was quite confused by 'who was actually pleasing who'. But what was real was that I got myself tons of unwanted books! Things just did not work the way I wished.

After four years of intensive readings, which my parents labeled it as 'my most favourite hobby', I found Mothers' Day approaching again. Dreaming that my English might have improved tremendously throughout these years, I decided to design a new card to show my mother my huge progress!

My design was quite simple - a sheet of A4 paper folded in half, with 'Happy Mothers' Day' written on its cover. I filled the card with love and wordy expressions starting with 'My beloved mother...' I devoted my heart and soul...