Constrasted Viewpoints Of The Roman Empire

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Two thousand years ago, the world was ruled by Rome, yet Rome was in turmoil. The Roman Empire is known as one of the world?s greatest civilizations ever. At the Empire?s height, it surrounded the Mediterranean Sea, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Caspian Sea in the east. The Romans were capable of absorbing new citizens and governing a vastly populated area (King 137). Throughout all its glory, the Roman Empire was torn by civil disputes. Different critics have contrasted viewpoints of the Empire; some believed Rome to be virtuous while others saw it to be a failure from the Republic.

An ideal civilian, as seen through the Roman Empire, was to be a citizen, farmer, and a soldier. By having these three qualifications, a male inhabitant of Rome and its Empire would have a virtuous life. Cincinnatus was a dignified example of an exemplary Roman citizen.

?Everyone liked to be reminded of Cincinnatus, of how, when they sent for him to be dictator, they found him plowing and how, once business of saving Rome as dictator was accomplished, he returned happily to his farm? (Sherman 98). Cincinnatus did not take his glory for granted which showed much nobility of him. To serve the state was one of the most honorable jobs of the Romans. They believed that manly characteristics such as Cincinnatus?s would lead Rome to a great success. A man who avoided ?the sweat and toil? of a public career in favor of ?a shady life? could excuse himself from public (98).

Education was also considered a virtue of the Romans. The leaders of Rome were all educated men. This also only added to the strength of the Roman Empire. One way to climb the social ladder in Rome was through education (Sherman 89).