Consumer attitude towards the services of Gulf Air Airline of Qatar

Essay by STEPY22 February 2003

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Gulf Air, Road to Excellence

To better understand the attitudes of travelers towards the overall services of Gulf Air in Qatar, we conducted a survey on October 1995, to discover attitudes of travelers and accordingly organize general findings. We wrote a questionnaire to assist us in the design of the promotional strategy which would induce change and create new and improved image of Gulf Air. (questionnaire Exhibit 1)

Scope and limitations:

The Questionnaire included 28 questions and it incorporated many question forms to avoid bias in answers and to ensure complete coverage of related services to customers. We used Yes/No questions, multiple choice, and open ended questions. Questionnaire was split between traveling related questions and gender questions.

Because of time constraint and the lack of manpower, the survey used only a total of 33 respondents. Also questions were not pre-tested for overall cohesion and error-free biases design. We selected respondents from different backgrounds and nationalities to cover a more large sample.

The findings of the survey may contains mistakes, unqualified answers due to the fact that many respondents were not trained well to participate in a survey before. Although there were diverse answers to the questionnaire, most respondents provided input with ease and truthfulness.

Questionnaire Findings

Question 2) 49% of respondents traveled once a year, and 24% traveled twice, and 24% travel three times a year.

Question 3) All respondents use the airplane as their main mode of transportation

Question 4) The following destinations were most traveled by respondents:

Jordan, USA, Europe, India, Philippines, UAE, Sudan, Egypt,

Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia.

Question 5) 75% of respondents have an average trip between two weeks, and Two months.

Question 6) All respondents uses Gulf Air when traveling in the Gulf.

Question 7) When asked about the airline that travel...