Consumer Imagery

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorUniversity, Master's September 2001

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CONSUMER IMAGERY Consumers have certain perceptions or images relevant to consumer behavior. These include: (i) Self Image.

Each individual has a perceived image of himself or herself with certain traits, habits, possessions, relationships and behavior. They are unique and basses on ones background and past experiences. Consumers buy products they perceive to be congruent with their self-image. Self image can be ideal (how they would like to be perceive themselves) actual (how they would like to perceive themselves) and expected self-concept (how they expect to see themselves at some future date). As self-concept changes over time, so does product and brand preference also change.

Self-image has strategy implication for markets e.g. they can segment their markets on the basis of relevant consumer self images and position their products appropriately e.g. different KBL beer brands.

(ii) Product positioning.

The way a product is perceived or positioned by a consumers is probably more important than what it actually is.

Product positioning is the essence of the marketing mix. It converges what the meaning of the product is and how it can fulfill the consumer needs. It compliments the company's segmentation strategy and selection of target markets. Successful positioning is based on consumer's reality and familiarity. Marketers use the following to position their products.

Brand image: Consumers carry certain perceptions of particular brand e.g. Firestone, the tyre made for Kenya roads, Young executive to BMW and senior executive to Mercedes.

Perceptual planning: Where marketers determine just how their products appear to consumers in relation to competitive brands. Also to fill the gap where consumer needs are not being met.

(iii) Product Repositioning: It is normally necessary due to events such as competitor cutting into brands market share e.g. Omo with powerfoam which competes with Ariel detergent. It may also be necessary due...