The controversy for genetically modified foods

Essay by janewongcyJunior High, 9th grade May 2006

download word file, 4 pages 0.0 1 reviews

One of the most intense arguments of the 20th century is the introduction of genetically modified foods.

We have long heard that genetically modified foods are harmful and unethical to out health and surroundings. Arguments include the potential danger to the environment, the lack of knowledge about GM and the possibility of unexpected allergies. We aren't certain hat the consequences are damaging and research may even prove the opposite. However, consumers are scared off GM products, which evidently helps organic farmers make a huge amount of profit. So, is nature really that good?

Over the decades, we have gathered around for many heated discussions about where our health and safety lies and there has been a great deal of controversy about the introduction to GM crops and foods in the European Union. Genetic modification is the main tool for solving the challenge of famine across the globe, however the debate surrounding GM technology continues unabated.

If we can all just take a look at this generous offer and the extraordinary advantages of GM then not only would this development assist us now but also to our future generations.

Genetic modification is one of the major developments of modern times. Throughout history, we have sought new ways to produce more and better foods. Our ancestors learned by trial and error how to breed animals to develop improved varieties, which has been developed to the advanced benefit, a.k.a genetic modification. Of course, the alternative approach is organic farming. Although this approach is more popular with some consumers, it is generally more expensive mainly due to lower yields and higher labor cost. Also, organic agriculture is a slow and unpredictable process, and requires intensive labor. On the other hand, desired GM organisms can be bred in one generation. However, we choose organic foods...