Creative writting essay

Essay by tutskees123Junior High, 8th gradeB, November 2014

download word file, 2 pages 0.0

Ideas I had in mind: travelling, crime, drama, dream place. (Decided to put crime and drama together in some sort of way. My inspiration was provided from watching one of my favourite crime/thriller drama series on Wednesday nights: Nikita. I was uneasy about writing this as was my first creative story I had written in a while so feel like it wasn't constructed well.)

From the view of the chased


Leaving the jewellery store at a rather accelerated pace, a common, plain-

clothed man with a parcel tucked under his arm jumped into his white, slightly

dirtied Ford Bronco. He then hurriedly concealed the package under the front

passenger seat making certain to prevent it from being seen from people passing by. He then tore out of the parking lot attempting to avoid drawing attention to himself or his accompanying bundle. He knew it would only be a matter of minutes before the police would be on his trail and he couldn't have them catching him so he would have to make certain he covered all his tracks and make it as difficult as he could for his pursuant as he could.

For starters he had to dispose of this car and acquire his new transportation; a new model Corvette conveniently located in a pre-arranged spot just behind the rail road tracks near Market St. Efficiently he removed all traceable evidence of his

existence from the Bronco. Now heading in the opposite direction he was

originally going, he and his package continued the chase already in progress.

Entering onto the interstate he planned on obtaining a very large lead on his

pursuists furthering his immunity from an almost inevitable prison cell, where

he almost certainly would end up if apprehended. At this...