Crisis In Morality

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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"Crisis in Morality, The Vatican Speaks Out", is divided into eight articles on moral issues facing the world. The authors of the articles are Cardinal Wojtyla on "crisis in morality", John Cardinal Wright on "defense of man", Monsignor Giovanni Battista Guzzetti on "the constancy of the teachings of the church", Pericle Cardinal Felici's article about "the unity of the council and the pope", Bishop Carlo Colombo wrote about "the basis of the encyclical, Reverend Father Michel Riquet wrote his article on "the problem of obedience", Professor Colin Grant Clark's commentary was about "the myth of the population explosion", and Reverend Father Gustave Martel spoke about "love and fertility". In this paper I will discuss each article, criticize the text and raise questions.

On the article about the crisis in morality, the author Cardinal Wojtyla places emphasis on the encyclical Humanae Vitae. According to the Cardinal's interpretation of the encyclical Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul is telling his readers that the world is going through a "moral crisis that may determine its ability to survive".

He believes that, the crisis is seen in today's world, especially due to the fact the world population is rapidly growing. This rapid growth may pose a "threat manifested in the intervention of the State in legalizing abortion and advertising and mandating the use of contraceptives".

Cardinal also points out the meaning of conjugal love, which is pointed out in the encyclical Humanae Vitae. Conjugal love is characterized by the elements which result from such a communion of beings, which is authentic and permanent. It is a matter of total love, or love which involves the whole man, his sensitivity, his affectivity, and his spirituality, which must be both faithful and exclusive. There's also the mention of contraception in the encyclical.

The article on "Defense of...