Critical Thinking Styles and Forces of Influence Paper.

Essay by lqqkerUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, November 2003

download word file, 6 pages 3.2 3 reviews


This paper will discuss an organizational problem that occurred in my workplace. The problem is inventory disappearing, and constraints due to the application of the new inventory control measures. I will first describe the control measures. I will then frame this problem in two different ways. Next, I will describe the types of thinking used for each problem. I will then examine the forces of influence that can influence the way the problem is framed. Lastly, I will provide an answer to the dilemma of "How do we accept each other's differences and still get anything done?"

Workplace Problem (MCUSA) has been involved with projects that fall into the area of organizational change, organizational design, and organizational effectiveness. These projects have all focus on organization structure and improving the competency of our staff within the organization.

A project team was put together to look at ways to put into action new control measures and design reports to spot variances in inventory quantities.

The findings were presented to management. Management made the decision to replace all prior control measures with the new control measures and reports. This was to be implemented by the end of the August 2003. This project was called the "Controls Project".

The Control Measures

The first stage of the Controls Project was to evaluate the current control measures in place within the warehouse and retail store. After this data was attained, the team put together their recommendations for control procedures, policies, and how reports should be designed. This information was given to the CEO, and the final decision was made.

The next stage was the implementation of the new control measures. These measures were provided to all department managers. They in turn, were to train their staff in the new control procedures and...