Critique Essay on, "Thieves Take Cellini Sculpture from Art Museum in Vienna" NY Times, May 2003

Essay by SpiderellaUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, December 2003

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This article is a summary of the New York Times Article reporting the theft of the Cellini sculpture from an Art Museum in Vienna. The assignment was to read and critique the article, stating your views about the article and what you felt the author could have done better.

SOURCE:New York Times

DATE:May 13, 2003

Thieves Take Cellini Sculpture from Art Museum in Vienna

by Mark Landler

The bane of all art collectors and museums alike, theft has become more predominant in the art world. This article is about the most recent heists that took place in Frankfurt, at the Kunsthistorisches Museum. As all museums, the Kunsthistorisches had top of the line security and modern technology to discourage thieves and catch them in the act, before the valuable art pieces have been pilfered. However, on the night of May 12, something went wrong.

The director of the museum, Mr.

Wilfried Siepel explained regretfully to the police, general public and insurance company that one of their most prized possessions, the Saliera (saltcellar), the only surviving work by the Renaissance sculptor Cellini, had been snatched overnight in an audacious caper by professional thieves. It marveled him that only the Saliera was taken and he stated that the robbery must have been masterminded by someone who wanted the piece for his private collection. The sculpture is worth at least 50 million dollars; however, it is priceless and cannot be sold on the open or black market without being traced.

I was quite surprised when I read the details in this paper. It seems that the thieves had simply broken into the art history museum before dawn, entering the building by clambering up scaffolding and breaking a first-floor window. Then they walked in and daringly snatched the piece from its glass display case.