How the Current Times in the US Reflect Early Nazi Germany

Essay by nj2k2k1College, UndergraduateA+, April 2004

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Hitler and the Nazi regime's rise of power in the early 20th century draws strong points of correlation to the way the Bush Administration is gaining power today. At first glance it is hard to believe that such a scenario can be true, but there are several points of evidence that will shed light on the similarities of both powers.

On January 30, 1933 Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany by Weimar Republic President Paul von Hindenburg. On his first day as chancellor, Hitler manipulated Hindenburg into dissolving the Reichstag and calling for the new elections he had wanted to be held later that year. Thus began Hitler's conversion of Germany into a Nazi totalitarian dictatorship. In November of 2002, President George W. Bush is appointed (if indirectly) President by the Supreme Court. Thousands of voters were illegally disqualified in the 2000 election in the state of Florida, when Jeb Bush and his Secretary of State compiled a questionable list of felons who would not be allowed to vote.

It is also a known fact that Bush did not win the popular election, thus going against the true voice of the American public. It is also known that there are several members of the Supreme Court with ties to the Bush family. Thus, it is shown the two ways in which these rulers acquired power through non-democratic means.

In times of peril and uncertainty, people will follow their government at large costs in exchange for the feeling of security. This has been proven in many situations, and politicians know and feed off this fact. On February 27, 1933 the Reichstag fire that burned down the German Parliament building was blamed on communists and used as a stepping stone to take away civil liberties. The day after the Reichstag fire...