Customer services at Tesco

Essay by johnnyblaze06College, Undergraduate April 2006

download word file, 19 pages 3.0

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Methods used by Tesco to monitor if good customer service is taking place.

If Tesco's know how good or bad their customer service is then they can make improvements where appropriate. Since they are in such a competitive market they must monitor regularly and act fast on anything which needs improving. Tesco's is such a big company it will be hard to monitor the customer service in all the stores, but an easy and efficient way of doing this is to use mystery shoppers. This is basically when a researcher is paid to act as a normal customer and just shop around the store, looking for any improvements and commenting on what is good. The employers working at the store do not know who the mystery shopper is so results are accurate. This type of monitoring is done in every store of Tesco's, and is a good way to get feedback on how well or bad their customer service is.

If Tesco's know where the cracks are in their customer service then they can mend it, so knowing what can be improved is vital. A mystery shopper can notify Tesco's about the following: How they are greeted by staff How promptly they are dealt with The knowledge of the staff The staffs selling skills The appearance of the branch The quality of facilities Hygiene standards

Since Tesco's deal with a wide range of customers they can choose different types of mystery shoppers, which can improve accuracy of results and a perspective from different types of customers making the results less bias. For example they hire a mystery shopper acting as a mother with children, the mother then can check the baby changing facilities and other service provided by Tesco's for people carrying babies. They would also use a disabled...