
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2001

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D-day One of the most important days during World War II was D-day, it became a "day" so important it changed a continent. Don't be mistaken by the word D-day it did not all happens in just one day but many days. D-day was just a code name for the day that Operation Overload started. D-day is very well known for the beginning of the end of the war in Europe and Hitler's rule over most of the ruined continent of Europe. Many say that if it were not for D-day Europe would have definitely fell to Hitler.

There are a few terms used when people talk about D-day. One of them is D-day, which is a military term used telling the unknown date in the future when an attack will be launched. It is most commonly used for the invasion of Normandy.

The second term not often herd but, still is used is H-hour.

H-hour is the hour that D-day is supposed to start. H-hour for the three Normandy invasion sites were varied, because of weather, as much as eighty-five minutes.

The third term used is Overload. Which was the code name for the entire Allied plot to invade and free France and Western Europe.

The fourth term used when talking about D-day is Neptune. Neptune stood for the first phase of Operation Overload. Which was the planning of the Normandy assault, the movement of the armada across the English Channel, and the battle for the beaches.

The fifth term sometimes used when talking about D-day is The Atlantic Wall. The Atlantis Wall was the German's first line of defense in the west, which was along the English Channel coast of France. The wall was only partly completed by June of 1944. It had many guns placed on it,