Dangerous Encounter

Essay by PhyscoHomerHigh School, 10th gradeA+, August 2006

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It was a dreadful afternoon, big droplets of rain fell directly on my face and clothes. I tasted the droplets that mixed with my tears, the tears I cried after the incident. The pain in my foot was excruciating. It caused me to make a big decision of whether I should visit you or not. I decided I would. I limped towards my bright, blue car where my bony, body collapsed onto the seat. I started the engine up but at the same time being cautious of my bleeding foot. I then drove to the destination where I was bound to meet you. I was bound to meet you after three years of counselling from my last appearance with you. I guess all I can remember is the scarring....

I remember....


When my friend introduced me to you. My friends were so obsessed and entangled by the wonders you did for them.

If I can recall they said you took them to new places and down new paths. They talked about how you healed their sorrows and pain. I could not resist the temptation. Never once did I talk to my parents about my encounters which were influenced by you. What a fool I was. You severely disheartened my life, turned me evil. All my ambitions that inspired me were lost. You and your sharp eyes stabbed me right in the arm. It also stabbed the people I loved right in the arm too. Although, it was so amazing how dependent on you I was during my youth. These memories still sting like a violent slap across the face.

Now, facing you today is such a hard task to overcome....

I pulled into the driveway and staggered into the loud, large and mysterious place. I was surprised at...