A Day No Pigs Would Die

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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Death can be a time of grievance but can also be a time of joy and happiness. In A Day No Pigs Would Die by Robert Newton Peck, death is observed many times in the life of the lead character, Robert Peck. In Robert's life, death has given him an advantage in his life rather than a fall. Because of these deaths, Robert is ready to take charge of a family, even at a young and tender age. Robert changes his views of death as the book progresses. Compared to the beginning of the book, Robert's thoughts on death alter dramatically. Unlike most deaths, the deaths involved in Robert's life lead Robert to grow emotionally and mentally. Death functions as Robert's passageway to gradually becoming a man by preparing him to tend his family, allowing Robert to see death in a new perspective, and making Robert grow in maturity.

The many deaths in the story have prepared Robert to become the head of the family, which shows that Robert can fully operate and take care of his family without the help of his father. Before Robert realizes that his father is dead he tells his sleeping father, "You just rest"(141) and Robert then writes, "I fed and watered Solomon and Daisy. And milked her. Then I threw some grain to the hens, made sure they had water, and collected the eggs…I wiped off the specks and carried them up the hill to the cellar"(141-142). Now that Robert's father is dead, Robert must take a giant step to fill his father's shoes. Robert must now do the all of the work that his father once did around the farm. Because of the fact that Robert does not have any other siblings, Robert must now do the farm-work diligently and thoroughly...