
Essay by shuanhUniversity, Bachelor's April 2004

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In the book, Don't Do. Delegate! Jenks and Kelly write, "All managers face a paradox: They need to produce results beyond their individual capabilities." As a manager, you are paid to help others be productive. The only way to do that is to delegate some tasks. Effective delegation is a key management tool and represents a basic skill needed for the long-term success of any organization. Successful delegation will, as night follows day, bring great benefits to management, the individual manager and the workforce. Delegation is one of the dynamic factors at the heart of good management which helps a workforce to improve, grow and develop but, like any good tool, its' use requires careful thought and training and must follow basic rules or principles.

Delegation is defined as "the act of assigning formal authority and responsibility for completion of specific activities to a subordinate." To achieve this goal managers and in my case team leaders are tasked to review their job structure, and that of their subordinates, to examine where time savings can be made and what work could be effectively delegated.

Delegation of a task also includes delegation of obligation to do the task, responsibility to do the task properly and authority to be allowed to do the task. First a manager has to know and understand the task. Delegation becomes difficult if the manager does not understand the key elements of the task. This does not mean that he should be able to carry out all the tasks within his area of control. In fact, the more senior a manager's position in the organization and the more pure management enters into his job profile the less important his ability to perform the task becomes. The lower the level of management the more important it becomes because...