Democratic Caucus Process

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Democratic Caucus Process

A Democratic Caucus will be held for each of Presidential candidate nomination's 2,487 precincts. These caucuses will all be held on the same evening beginning at 7 p.m. Caucus attendees will register upon arriving at the caucus. A person may vote and/or run for delegate to the County Convention if they: are a resident of that particular precinct; are eligible to vote in the precinct; will be at least 18 years old on election day; supports the purposes of the Presidential candidate nomination Democratic Party; and are a registered Democrat.

The caucus will be called to order at 7 p.m. The first order of business will be to elect a chairperson and secretary. Each caucus attendee will have the opportunity to sign nomination papers for various local, state and federal candidates. They may sign the nomination papers for only one candidate for each office. The caucus chair will call for discussion and voting on platform resolutions.

Resolutions that pass will be given to the Platform Committee member who will be elected later in the evening from that precinct.

After the discussion and passage of resolutions but not before 7:30 p.m., the caucus may proceed to the election of delegates to the County Convention. The entire caucus shall elect from the delegates or alternates members of the County Platform Committee and Committee on Committees for the County Convention. Precinct Committee people will be elected to represent the Democrats of their precinct on the Democratic County Central Committee. There are generally two committee people elected at each precinct caucus. In the name of reform, in 1968, the nominating system was changed from a predominantly representative process in which delegates and party leaders had the final say in choosing the nominees, to a process based on the principle of...