Describe and comment on the philosophy of Buddhism

Essay by NconHigh School, 10th gradeA+, October 2006

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Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world. It is a path of practice and spiritual development that leads into the insight of the true nature of life; a path which eventually ends in enlightenment or Buddha hood. Buddhism includes the teachings of Buddha, and wants to end suffering that is caused by desire. It is taught that suffering comes to an end when the desire comes to an end. During this time enlightenment takes place and provides a new found conduct, wisdom, and meditation that is also known as a, "rebirth."

Buddhism was originally founded in Northeastern part of India , by a man named Buddha Shakyamuni; "Buddha" meaning 'Enlightened One' or 'Awakened One'. The Buddha never claimed any divine status for himself, nor was he a god. He was a flesh-and-blood human being. Buddha was a royal prince whose birth is unknown, but is thought to be born around c.

500 BC. He was born in Lumbini, or present day Nepal . The Buddha lived in luxury and was spared from all hardships of life. While living as the prince in his palace he began to grow restless and curious about what was outside of the palace walls. So he gave up family and privilege to become a wondering ascetic. He set off beyond the palace walls and after six years of self-deprivation, Buddha Shakyamuni turned to a "Middle Path" of moderation (Bulliet 184). His first experience of enlightenment took place underneath the Bodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya , India ; where he gained knowledge the true nature of reality.

The Buddha was known for rejecting many of the philosophies of the Hindu beliefs. Buddha didn't believe in the Caste System of the Hindu's; nor did he accept the three-in-one God known as, "Brahman.". Buddha challenged...